Thursday, June 21, 2012

Large Basket Weave Stitch Blanket

Basket Weave Stitch
Row 1: (right side) Knit
Row 2: Purl
Row 3: K2, *P4, K2; rep from* to end
Row 4: P2, *K4, P2; rep from* to end
Row 5: K2, *P4, K2; rep from* to end
Row 6: P2, *K4, P2; rep from* to end
Row 7: Knit
Row 8: Purl
Row 9: P3, *K2, P4; rep from* to last 5 stitches, K2, P3
Row 10: K3, *P2, K4; rep from" to last 5 stitches, P2, K3
Row 11: P3, *K2, P4; rep from* to last 5 stitches, K2, P3
Row 12: K3, *P2, K4; rep from" to last 5 stitches, P2, K3
Repeat these 12 rows.

This pattern needs to be divisible by 6 plus 2 stitches.  In other words, if you want a 5 times pattern repeat, you would cast on 32 stitches (30 + 2)

This stitch makes a wonderful blanket.  Depending on how big you want the blanket and what weight yarn you are using, will depend on how many stitches you cast on.  For instance if you want a blanket that is 60" x 60" and you were using worsted weight yarn (5 stitches per inch) you would cast on 302 stitches, knit the basket weave stitch until the blanket is 60" long.   You would need approx. 3,360 yards of worsted weight yarn, using a size 7 needle.

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